Our Partners

American Publishers
- Leading magazine company
- Digital titles available for smart phones and tablets
School Supply Kits
- Ship To Home Service
- No Minimum Order
- Customize items for each student

- Coupons for restaurants, travel, retail, specific, to your chosen area
- Mobile app available for smart phones
- Additional savings online as they become available
Also Available...
- Frozen Cookie Dough, Desserts, and Snacks (pack by student is available)
- Otis Spunkmeyer
- Specialty Pies
- Mrs. Fields
- Pepperoni Rollers
- Chocolate
- $1 and $2 bars
- Pretzel Rods
- Gummy Bears
- Variety and Custom Tumblers
- Gift Catalogs
- High Quality Items
- Packed by student
And even more!
As an independent rep, we have access to many products and programs ~ tell us what you are looking for and we will find you a match.